If you find this heart, you probably needed it.

Look within and #loveyourselffirst.

What to do with the heart?

-you can take it with you, 

-give it to someone else who in your opinion needs it at the moment or

-leave it in another spot for someone to randomly find it.

I would like to see what happens to them and what parts of the world they travel to, so if you use Instagram, you can please post a picture of it and tag it with #loveyourselffirst  @kaola_studio.

This art project idea #loveyourselffirst is inspired by my own life experience. For years I have found heart shapes in random objects which often come to me when I struggle with life, facing difficult situations or decisions.

I feel these  #lovesigns as I like to call them, are encouragement to look inwards and to love myself. To have the compassion, understanding and kindness for myself, to embrace my feelings, rather than avoid them.

We often try to give, forgetting that we can’t pour from an empty cup, but now my friend this is a sign that you are loved.

So let this small finding today be a reminder to #loveyourselffirst


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